City Lights

The 10 Best Bookstores in San Francisco

探索贝博体彩app最好的书店,从古色古香的独立书店到文学天堂. Uncover your next great read in this vibrant city.

贝博体彩app是杰克·凯鲁亚克等文学巨匠的故乡, Allen Ginsburg, and many others. 你会在贝博体彩app找到一些全国最小众的书店. 我们按社区收集了一份书店清单,让你的文学灵感迸发. 看看我们列出的贝博体彩app市区最好的书店吧. 

Fabulosa Books

489 Castro St.

Located in the Castro, 这是一个寻找当地作家新书或旧书的好地方, independent publishers, and best-selling authors. One thing to know about Fabulosa Books 是因为这里有全市最多的LGBT书籍可供选择, 它还每月举办一个针对这种类型的读书俱乐部. Of course, you can look forward to attending book release parties, readings, and other events for writers and readers, as well.

Books, Inc.

601 Van Ness Ave.

Books, Inc. 在贝博体彩app湾区有好几家店,但在 Fillmore District is among the most popular. 它不仅足够宽敞,可以容纳成千上万的平装书和精装书, but it also hosts several classes for writers. 还有一个关于如何出版的系列研讨会. And of course, Books, Inc. has multiple book clubs to choose. 

Kinokuniya Book Store

1581 Webster St. #218

如果你喜欢漫画、图画小说,或者只是普通的书籍——无论是英文的还是日文的——来吧 Kinokuniya in Japantown. 这家书店不仅出售各种各样的读物, but also DVDs, stationery, and fun gifts from Japan. 如果你在这家贝博体彩app书店待得够久的话, you'll see firsthand the kinds of events it hosts, from author signings to book release parties.

The Booksmith

1727 Haight St.

距离金门公园仅几分钟路程,在市中心 Haight, The Booksmith 拥有各种平装,精装,杂志,和更多. 这家书店的老板经营一个名为伯克利艺术的作家活动项目 & Letters, 所以你可以肯定在这里和附近的活动中心有令人印象深刻的活动, The Bindery. 你甚至可以加入一个以你最喜欢的书或电视剧为主题的小组, 因为有粉丝团体定期在这里聚会,讨论和庆祝他们最喜欢的故事.

Borderlands Books

Located in the Mission District, Borderlands Books 以其丰富的科幻、推理、恐怖和奇幻书籍而闻名. 《贝博体彩》是作家、评论家、出版商,当然还有像你这样的读者的好去处. It is known for hosting lots of great events, 从作者阅读和签名到杂志发行派对,甚至是鬼故事阅读. 

Adobe Books

3130 24th St.

如果你正在寻找一个舒适的书店,有大量的书籍选择-加上一个鼓舞人心的艺术画廊-Adobe Books in the Mission 它是. This store is known for carrying rare books, showcasing local artists' work on the walls, 并举办数百场活动,让各种各样的创作者聚在一起,建立联系. 不要错过各种各样的作家读书会、签售会、读书会和现场音乐之夜.

City Lights

261 Columbus Ave.

City Lights 是贝博体彩app最古老、最著名的书店之一吗. 准备好为三层楼的主流和独立书籍感到高兴吧, artwork, and poetry. The store, located in North Beach, hosts free events for writers and readers. Once you’re done checking out this bookstore, 一定要去一个街区外的垮掉的一代博物馆,了解更多关于第一次经常光顾城市之光的作家的信息. 

Chronicle Books

680 2nd St.

Chronicle Books has its headquarters in a charming warehouse in SoMa. This is where all the publishing magic happens. It features four floors of space for marketing, contracts, and other behind-the-scenes business operations. +, 有一个很大的会议空间,可以举办以书籍为主题的知识问答之夜等活动, bake sales for good causes, and blowout book sales. 还有一个店面的空间,里面摆满了各种各样的书, journals, calendars, 卡片, and more.

Green Apple Books

506 Clement St 

Green Apple Books in the Richmond 这里有超过10万本的旧书和6万本的新书等着你去浏览. 主店面有两层楼,陈列非小说类书籍、儿童书籍、烹饪书和新书. While you’re there, 在众多的读书会中选择一本书,你可以听到作者是如何写他或她的最新小说的. They also have a second store in the Sunset, located on 1231 9th Ave, by Golden Gate Park.

MoAD Store

685 Mission St.

Located inside the Museum of the African Diaspora, the MoAD store is the only Black-owned bookstore in San Francisco. Located in the Yerba Buena 艺术 District,这家书店精选了一些散居在外的非洲作家的作品. This selection includes seven genres of books, special exhibit-specific publications, and curated book selections for various public programs. MoAD的游客体验经理Charlena Wynn加强了博物馆的书店,分享了更多关于身体的艰难对话的文本, incarceration, 比赛, and immigration, 以及其他书店和图书馆里可能没有的黑人作家的鼓舞人心的文章. 

Author Brenda Tucker
Brenda Tucker

布伦达·塔克是贝博体彩app旅游艺术营销总监. She has lived in San Francisco since 1998, 她开车穿过乡村来到一户人家,没人见她. Brenda enjoys swimming out-of-doors year-round, being inspired by the incredible art scene in the City, and living in the best place on earth.
